1 Million When You
Tune Talk Data…ta…ta 10 Opponents for IP Man 3
Tune Talk has decided to utilise their asset by giving away 1 Million Big Points to travel enthusiasts for every data plan subscribers. The tagline of the campaign data…ta…ta was used to emphasize their data plans but how do we help them to increase their exposure to the right target of the campaign with such a unique tagline?

Ip Man – iconic 10 Man Fight Scene
Tune Talk – Big Points to Travel
We proposed a sponsorship tie-in in conjunction of the showing of IP MAN 3 in Malaysia at the end of 2015. By re-enacting the most iconic scene from IP MAN 2 that has the sound effect of tatatatatata which coincidentally has a resemblance with data…ta…ta into a parody by inviting Malaysia’s famous duo singer as the main character.

Our work was honoured to have been acknowledged as the bronze winner for
TV/Video Advertising from advertising+marketing Magazine’s Excellence Awards 2016